Bibliographic Information: Moss S., Schwartz, L. & Wertz, M. (2007). Where's my stuff?: The ultimate teen organizing guide. San Francisco: Zest Books.
ISBN: 978-0-9819733-7-1
Summary: Teens live active lives that require a lot of careful planning or organization or else things can fall apart. Moss, Schwartz, and Wertz have written this book for all the teens that may need a little extra help figuring out how to get things together. This book starts off by explaining why being organized is important, then provides a quiz so that the reader can determine what kind of organizational help they need, and make the following sections more useful. This organizational guide includes sections on how to organize school stuff, the room, activities and time, and even provides visual examples of how to organize each item. All these chapters are geared towards making life easier for busy teens. Even parents can benefit from some of the tips and suggestions that are offered throughout the chapters of this book.
Evaluation: N/A
Annotation: Being organized means more time for fun, relaxation, and getting the right stuff done!
Information About the Author: Samantha Moss has participated in many projects over the last ten years as both writer and editor (Moss, 2012). Some of her projects include: Pottery Barn Flowers and ten volumes of the Pottery Barn Design Library (Moss, 2012). She currently lives in Oakland, California with her husband, Boyd, and their dog, Belly (Moss, 2012).
Lesley Schwartz graduated from both Wellesley College and Mills College and currently lives in San Francisco, California (Schwartz, 2007). Schwartz has a variety of professional skills: including teen organizer, academic coach, and tutor (Schwartz, 2007). She has also worked as a teacher in the past (Schwartz, 2007). Schwartz was the primary consultant for Where's My Stuff?: The Ultimate Teen Organizing Guide (Schwartz, 2007).
Michael Wertz is a commercial artist that has been contracted on a number of jobs (Wertz, 2012). Wertz designs art pieces that begin as pencil drawings and end as bold digital collages, mono prints, and screen prints (Wertz, 2012). Wertz has had projects with over 35 large organizations, such as: Pottery Barn, Scholastic Inc., Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, and many more (Wertz, 2012). Wertz does work for all age ranges and isn't solely dedicated to children's projects (Wertz, 2012).
Personal Organization
Ties: Could tie into a lesson on personal time and space management.
Ideas: N/A
Level/Interest Age: YA (Follett's Titlewave, 2012)
Issues: No challenge issues.
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did you include this book in the titles you selected?: As teens become older they will be expected to be able to manage their own lives. Often teens cannot live up to this expectation because they are not equipped with the right skills. I included this book in my collection because I believe being organized and on time is key in anyone's success. This book will help teens develop the skills they need to stay on top of their hectic schedules.
Reference Page:
Follett's Titlewave. (2012). Where's my stuff?: The ultimate teen organizing guide. Retrieved August 4, 2012 from Follett's Titlewave App.
Moss, S. (2012). Bio. Retrieved August 4, 2012 from
Schwartz, L. (2007). Biography. Retrieved August 4, 2012 from
Wertz, M. (2012). About. Retrieved August 4, 2012 from
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